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Research Program

My research program in mathematics education has been built around three core ideas: self-regulation (particularly self-efficacy) among collegiate mathematics learners, pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) development in mathematics among pre- and in-service K-16 teachers, and alternate forms of assessment/feedback for students in college service courses (e.g., web-based homework; projects; portfolios).

The manuscripts I have written in the area of self-regulation have been phenomenological and ethnomethodological studies of the experiences of two groups: students in collegiate mathematics service courses and people from groups underrepresented in mathematics, particularly those who have achieved advanced degrees in mathematics. My work on pre- and in-service K-16 teacher development of pedagogical content knowledge has grown out of my experiences as one who teaches mathematics to teachers and my interest in culturally responsive teaching at the college level. Our on-going research in alternate forms of assessment actually began as a result of a collaboration initiated when I was a reviewer for NSF grant proposals in 2003 - another member of the Review Panel and I got together and began to work on a culturally-aware analysis of the impacts of web-based homework on student perceptions and achievement in college algebra. Also, my work at generating external funding for research is never very far from my work with graduate students. In fact, in November 2004 I spent four days at the National Science Foundation as part of an invited group of researchers, teacher-educators, K-12 teachers, and parents who worked together to articulate an action agenda for the NSF on the development of culturally responsive K-16 mathematics, science, and education curricula. I took two of my graduate students with me to this small conference; both women are from groups underrepresented in the academy and were among the few people of color at the meeting. They told me they found the experience both sobering and empowering because it gave them the opportunity to understand the unique contributions they can make to enriching both K-12 curriculum and pedagogical training for K-16 teachers. Additional information on my previous and current grant writing work can be found in §4.

The work summarized below has been funded, in part, by the National Science Foundation so I must include the following: This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Nos. DGE9906517, ESIE0119786, and DGE0203225. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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Shandy Hauk 2007-01-18